Environmental Monitoring System (EMS) monitor temperature, humidity, water leakage and heat /smoke detector/sensor. If the sensors programmed thresholds triggered or sensors go into alarm condition, the controller will trigger a local alarm
(beeper and strode light) and SMS, Push Notification or email will be send to designated persons to alert them of activation and to take appropriate response. It can also include reporting to Central Monitoring Station who will relay the status to designated persons for response.

Typical Application of Environmental Monitoring System
- Office’s pantry wash basin/water dispenser water leakage detection
- Server room/Data centre
- Air-conditioned Store/Warehouse for Sensitive electronic product/equipment
- Dispensary/pharmacy
- Medical fridge
- Medical equipment
- Refrigeration equipment
- Refrigerated truck/Cold store
- HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning
VERSA Control Panel


Versa LCD Keypad
- 4 programmable wired zones (expandable to 30)
- 5 programmable outputs (expandable to 12)
- Compatible with MICRA wireless devices
- Ethernet for Mobile Application e-mail messaging and remote programming.
- Cellular GSM/LTE commuication for central station reporti ng,
voice/SMS messaging, mobile application and remote programmi ng. - PSTN dialler for reporting to Central Monitoring and voice messaging.
- 4 timers to enable automatic control of outputs (turn light or equipment-
on/off, etc. - programming with DLOADX program.
PERFECTA Control Panel

PRF LCD Keypad. Key-fob & PERFECTA Control APP
Perfecta 32 IP/LTE Control Panel
- 8 to 32 programmable inputs.
- 4 to 12 programable outputs.
- Compatible with MICRA wireless devices
- cell phone module with 2 nano-SIM slots
for SMS, reporting to monitoring station,
mobile application, PUSH notifications). - programming with PERFECTA Soft program
GPRS-A LTE GSM/ETHM-A Universal Monitoring Module

GPRS-A LTE module with GSM-E Antenna

- event reporting: SMS/LTE.
- sending notifications to up to 8 telephone numbers.
- messaging: audio, SMS/PUSH
- 8 programmable inputs (NC/NC/analog)
- 8 programmable 1-Wire bus – digital temperature sensors.
- ability to configure responses when the threshold values are exceed on analog inputs and 1-Wire sensors.
- AC power control input
- 4 outputs controlled by SMS, GX Control/GX Soft/via IoT.
- IoT – support for open protocol: MQTT. JSON, MODBUS RTU
- option to check the pre-paid account balance and notification when the amount of funds drops below the minimum level
- Configuration of modules settings:
- locally – computer with GX Soft program
- remotely – computer with GX-Soft program using data over cellular network.
Sensor, devices and accessories for EMS

TD-1 Temperature Detector

Humidity Sensor

Temperature & Relative Humidity Sensors

TSD-1 Smoke & Heat Detector

ANT-GSM-E GSM antenna

FD-1 Flood Detector

DS-T1/T2 Digital Temperature Sensor

DG-1 CO Carbon monoxide detector
DG- ME Methane detector
DG - LPG Liquefied petroleum Detector
DG - TCM Trichloromethane based narcotic
gas detector